"Canine Cadence" unfolds a symphonic narrative along the golden coast, where six charismatic dogs capture the essence of seaside joy. Each image is a movement, an ode to the harmony of sun, sea, and spirited canines. The opening movement features a jubilant Shiba Inu, basking in the glow of a setting sun, radiating pure bliss. The second piece presents a contemplative pup adorned with a sunny hat and scarf, a soft breeze whispering tales of the ocean. The third captures an innocent white furball, embodying the pure delight of seaside discoveries. The playful fourth showcases a Shiba immersed in the sparkling shallows, eyes alight with mischief. The fifth movement depicts an adventurer, a sea-captain dog ready to sail the sandy expanses. The finale crescendos with a rotund, regal Shiba, their jolly demeanor commanding the wind and waves. Together, these portraits harmonize into a grand beachside symphony, a serenade of paws and playful barks against the canvas of the boundless blue.
授權類型 | 尺寸 | 像素 | 格式 | 點數 | |
標準授權 | XS | 480 x 270 | JPG | 13 | |
標準授權 | S | 800 x 450 | JPG | 15 | |
標準授權 | M | 2309 x 1299 | JPG | 18 | |
標準授權 | L | 2981 x 1677 | JPG | 20 | |
標準授權 | XL | 3771 x 2121 | JPG | 22 | |
標準授權 | MAX | 7680 x 4320 | JPG | 23 | |
標準授權 | TIFF | 10861 x 6109 | TIF | 39 | |
進階授權 | WEL | 7680 x 4320 | JPG | 88 | |
進階授權 | PEL | 7680 x 4320 | JPG | 88 | |
進階授權 | UEL | 7680 x 4320 | JPG | 88 |
標準授權 | 480 x 270 px | JPG | 13 點 |
標準授權 | 800 x 450 px | JPG | 15 點 |
標準授權 | 2309 x 1299 px | JPG | 18 點 |
標準授權 | 2981 x 1677 px | JPG | 20 點 |
標準授權 | 3771 x 2121 px | JPG | 22 點 |
標準授權 | 7680 x 4320 px | JPG | 23 點 |
標準授權 | 10861 x 6109 px | TIF | 39 點 |
進階授權 | 7680 x 4320 px | JPG | 88 點 |
進階授權 | 7680 x 4320 px | JPG | 88 點 |
進階授權 | 7680 x 4320 px | JPG | 88 點 |