In a distant corner of the cosmos, an alien civilization gathers amidst a vast and surreal landscape to celebrate their Independence Day. The scene unfolds under the watchful gaze of multiple moons, each casting its own ethereal glow over the alien terrain below. Rock formations rise like monoliths, their surfaces adorned with intricate symbols of unity and strength, etched in patterns that seem to pulse with energy.Floating structures hover above the ground, emitting pulsating lights that dance across the alien landscape. These structures, built with advanced technology, blend seamlessly into the natural surroundings, their design both functional and artistic. They serve as gathering points for the extraterrestrial beings who come together in a display of cultural pride and solidarity.Above, the sky is a tapestry of swirling nebulae and distant stars, creating a backdrop that evokes a sense of cosmic wonder and celebration. The colors shift and blend, reflecting the vibrant spirit of the alien festivities below.This alien landscape is a testament to the universal values of freedom and self-determination, where the beauty of the cosmos and the ingenuity of advanced civilizations converge in a harmonious celebration of independence.
授權類型 | 尺寸 | 像素 | 格式 | 點數 | |
標準授權 | XS | 269 x 480 | JPG | 13 | |
標準授權 | S | 449 x 800 | JPG | 15 | |
標準授權 | M | 1536 x 2736 | JPG | 18 | |
標準授權 | L | 1675 x 2984 | JPG | 20 | |
標準授權 | XL | 2119 x 3774 | JPG | 22 | |
標準授權 | MAX | 2595 x 4623 | JPG | 23 | |
標準授權 | TIFF | 2172 x 3869 | TIF | 39 | |
進階授權 | WEL | 2595 x 4623 | JPG | 88 | |
進階授權 | PEL | 2595 x 4623 | JPG | 88 | |
進階授權 | UEL | 2595 x 4623 | JPG | 88 |
標準授權 | 269 x 480 px | JPG | 13 點 |
標準授權 | 449 x 800 px | JPG | 15 點 |
標準授權 | 1536 x 2736 px | JPG | 18 點 |
標準授權 | 1675 x 2984 px | JPG | 20 點 |
標準授權 | 2119 x 3774 px | JPG | 22 點 |
標準授權 | 2595 x 4623 px | JPG | 23 點 |
標準授權 | 2172 x 3869 px | TIF | 39 點 |
進階授權 | 2595 x 4623 px | JPG | 88 點 |
進階授權 | 2595 x 4623 px | JPG | 88 點 |
進階授權 | 2595 x 4623 px | JPG | 88 點 |